It’s no secret that the metal construction industry has many terms and phrases that are unique to itself. Do terms like: “MCA,” “Slope,” “MCM,” “Oil Canning,” “Membrane,” “EPD’s,” have you scratching your head? Today, Wednesday, March 22nd at 1:00PM ET, industry professionals Todd Miller, President of Isaiah Industries and Bob Zabcik, MCA Technical Director, will define commonly confusing terms in the metal construction industry. Whether you are new to the metal construction industry, an architect or design professional wanting to learn more, or a seasoned veteran, you will gain new insight into the metal construction industry.
Meet Our Speakers

Bob Zabcik is general manager of the roofing business unit at Merlin Solar Technologies, a developer of innovative renewable energy technologies. He is a LEED accredited professional and a registered professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience. He is also an MCA board member as well as chair of the MCA Codes and Standards Committee. Merlin Solar Technologies develops and manufactures crystalline silicon based flexible and frameless solar modules with a patented gridding and interconnected system to extract more power compared to standard solar panels. These systems address demanding deployments on metal roofs and bulk storage tanks, auxiliary power for transportation, flush mounted residential solar and military applications through world class manufacturing partners, enabling customers to reduce their reliance on aluminum-framed, tempered-glass constructs for solar panels.

Todd Miller is president of Isaiah Industries, a manufacturer of specialty metal roofing geared for the residential, light commercial, and historical preservation markets. Celebrating his 40th year in the industry, Todd is often called upon for his expertise pertaining to roof and flashing design, and ventilation. He has a popular educational website pertaining to these matters at www.asktoddmiller.com.
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METALCONLive! is produced by METALCON and is your FREE business-boosting resource for NEW solutions, NEW strategies, and NEW ways to grow your business. Available as live webinars and also on-demand (on YouTube) so you can attend any session AND earn AIA credits at your convenience. METALCON is produced in partnership with PSMJ Resources, Inc. and the Metal Construction Association.