From Employee To Manager: Transitioning To A Management Role

[This session was recorded live at METALCON 2022]

Presented by Dr. Melissa J. Furman Founder of of Career Potential

For the Bias Assessment test visit:

As employees transition to management roles, they may first focus on the new title, authority, and possible pay increase, but many times, they soon learn that it also comes with increased responsibility, accountability, and challenges. This session will provide practical tools, strategies, and recommendations to help new (and existing) managers maximize their management and leadership success.

Learning Objectives:

Discover ways to adjust to new responsibility and accountability

Take away tools to deal with new and enhanced challenges

Learn to maximize your management style

Find your management style and learn to adjust to fit your team in the best way possible

#newmanagers #becomingamanager #strugglesofmanagement #managementtips #leadershiptips #managementguide #managementhacks

Become a successful manager and leader by following the free management tips in the video above. 

Read: Empowering Middle Management & Its Benefits: 


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