Special Edition: Trade Show Success Hacks

METALCON offers an amazing opportunity to network, learn and grow your business. In one hour, you will learn from a couple of trade show veterans how to engage everyone on your show team to maximize your investment and ensure you discover TRUE business opportunities that deliver revenue.

In this Webinar we will uncover:

– The power of “conversation intelligence” and how it can help you identify tangible leads

– Easy but effective tools to empower your team to recognize opportunities versus “wastes of time”

– Critical ways to track the show activities of competitors, potential partners and more

– Simple but effective tricks to help your booth stand out from the crowd

– How to prioritize hot leads for effective follow up and execute a disciplined post-show strategy


More Blogs:

Resilient Buildings: Disaster is a Hazard You Didn’t Prepare For

[This session was recorded live at METALCON 2024] Given the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters—including hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other hazard events—and the dire predictions from climate scientists about worsening conditions, it is imperative to intensify efforts to mitigate climate change while simultaneously adopting adaptation strategies to reduce

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