EPD’s and LCA’s: We Have Them, Now What – Online Webinar

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“Are you using sustainable products?” If your clients and partners aren’t already asking you this question, it’s just a matter of time before they are.

While it’s relatively easy to find some type of Environmental Product Definition online for most building products, how do you know if they really make your building greener?

As for Life Cycle Assessment of metal products, who is the authority, and how do you communicate the benefits of metal to your clients and partners?

EPD’s and LCA’s are complicated. That’s why we’re thrilled that MCA’s Technical Director Bob Zabcik has agreed to share his expertise. On Wednesday, January 19th at 1PM ET, Bob will examine three industry average Environmental Product Definitions or EPD’s published by MCA and answer four critical questions:

• How do we go from LCA’s to EPD’s?

• What do EPD’s mean?

• How do they apply to my project?

• Can I compare two EPD’s? o If so, how reliable are the conclusions?

This webinar will delve into these questions for the three industry-average EPD’s published by MCA. You’ll gain perspective about what these EPD’s mean for your business and why they will be so crucial in the future.


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